Snello CMS

Snello - Smart New HEadLess LOvely CMS

How SNELLO is born

PHP vs Java vs Angular 2: a challenge among webmasters! Strapi strongly inspired: we are java developers! we can make betters on server side performance. RESTQL vs GraphQL: More options of traditional REST frameworks.

We are professional developers: all open source projects are born to following some ideas. Also in SNELLO, we are testing/trying/tasting new frameworks (like Micronaut in java, pure persistence of data without using Hibernate) and how to generating dynamically forms in typescript (Angular 8)

RESTQL: the power of queries!

Normally in headless cms, you can create only table and make queries. We want enpower the query side:

  • filters a gogo

  • select queries (custom queries on metadata)

  • conditions (add where conditions, in presence of some request parameter)

Last updated