Multijoin: database and rest queries
When you add to your metadata a multijoin field, snello will create for you a lot of things.
To understand the snello behavior, we will use an example.
snello magic creations
query with rest api
1) create a "courses" metadata
uuid [uuid - slug on name]
name [string]
description [text - tinymce]
2) create a "students" metadata
uuid [uuid - slug on surname]
name [string]
surname [string]
courses [multijoin -> courses]
Join Table Name: courses
Join Table Key: uuid
Join Table Fields: name
3) snello magic: join table and condition
When you save (in sequence) courses and students.
courses table
students table
join table: courses_students
A "condition", to map the relationship between tables.
4) rest api
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